Thursday, July 14, 2011

When money becomes the only means to get everything needed in life

                                              We have only one mind. And our mind is formed mainly by the socialization process. Our mind controls our body and our behavior. People have always tried to control the mind of other people for obvious reasons. That effort today has become so efficient by the use of money that nobody can escape from being used. 

                                                 Today, I am forced to think about how to make more money. My desire is to think and do many things that are noble and wonderful. However, I can’t get social cooperation by doing these noble things. For social cooperation I need money. And these noble things do not make money for me. I have no choice. I have to think about and do those things that can give me money. I can’t settle for a low paying work because the prices of things are going up every week. I need to make more and more money. There is no respite. Being a nice person can bring you sympathy, nothing more. Noble character counts for nothing. I am thinking about accepting those attitudes, habits and thoughts that can help me to make money. To survive in this connected world, I need to be like others. I need to participate in those things in which everybody is participating. If I don’t do that I won’t get any social cooperation. In a world where everything is weighed in money, I need to make money. I need to go under. But, I need to do it in a balanced way, without compromising on the key values.

Our life is being controlled and destroyed by money for power over us and for our labor.  Money is a clever political tool discovered by the elite to avoid conflicts and wars while controlling common man. (For more information on money read No wonder no major war has taken place since finance took over the control of the world.

                                            Money has destroyed our life and our personality. Money has divided us. Family members left each other to work for people who mysteriously have a lot of money. Everyone is left to fend for himself/herself. The security and comfort that comes from a strong family is denied to most people.  People feel insecure and try to get more money for feeling secure. From childhood people are separated from nature and reality. They are forced to live an artificial life in schools and colleges. Our normal habits, attitudes, beliefs and values are altered and unhealthy ones are injected into us. Friendship and love have become prisoners of money. Everything is measured in terms of money. Words and concepts are used to fool people to think that life is too complicated and they are helpless and incapable. These situations create people who are afraid and unsure of life. They cling to the hope that money will save them. Now, most of the people are like that. It is prudent to join them.

Life is too short to engage in useless struggles for freedom, equality and kindness. At least one won’t be lonely when one joins the mass that have only one aim, that of making money. We need to come out of the matrix created by the use of an abstract concept called money. But until we begin to come out of that matrix, I too need to enter the matrix and play the game of making money to survive. Hope this madness will end soon……and we will again value kindness and freedom and equality. Friendship and love will be free of the grip of money. Relationships will not be measured in terms of money and families will not be torn apart.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Struggle Intelligently

For any phenomenon to exist in nature, there are some essential conditions that must be present. For example, for fire to exist, it needs flammable materials and high temperature. Similarly, struggling to satisfy one's needs is an immutable condition in human life. Since, we can't avoid struggling to achieve our needs we must struggle intelligently.

            To engage in this struggle, first we need to know what our real needs are because we are continuously brainwashed by others to believe that their needs are our needs.

Our brains and hearts have been contaminated by others, using emotional, psychological and social strategies. Therefore, we need to clear our minds from such concepts and needs created by others for satisfying their needs. Only then can we see our real needs clearly ( I have explained in my website about our real Once our real needs are known, we can set out to satisfy our needs. Our real needs can always be satisfied easily. However, others have put many obstacles in satisfying our real needs. If we only try to satisfy our needs, then others will be unable to use us to satisfy their needs. There is a constant tug of war between us and others. It is impossible to satisfy our needs alone. It is essential to satisfy the needs of others as well because we are social animals. But, today some people are making use of the majority of the people without even letting them realize their own needs. It is not cooperation. In fact, it is slavery. It is unsustainable and will result in violence and ultimately in doom. Hence, we need to distinguish our real needs from artificially created needs that serve others. Then, we can decide which needs we should satisfy and to what extent. Then, we are in a position to decide which needs of others we are ready to satisfy. Our real needs can only be satisfied by us. We need to take responsibility of satisfying our needs. No one else is interested in satisfying our needs. They have better things to do. Therefore, others will never guide us properly how to satisfy our needs. We have to plan our own actions one by one and implement them. We must focus on our needs and plan how to satisfy those needs. We must take steps everyday, however small the steps may be, towards our goal. We must visualize and look into future to find out all the impediments that can stop our progress and must take actions in advance to overcome the problems when they finally arrive.

 Only when we constantly keep looking and working towards our aim can we see opportunities. Only then can we grab those opportunities and make unbelievable progress. Therefore, it is necessary to first know our real needs. And then, plan and implement the plan. It is important to focus on the work and aims to grab opportunities. Without grabbing opportunities one can never succeed in life. These things come naturally to us humans. We just need to go back to nature. We just need to remain honest, original in thought and spontaneous. Though it takes a lot of time and patience to succeed in life, life becomes beautiful when we know that we are dealing with the real life and not with deceptions of other humans.

Life is very short and our struggle a long one. That is the essential nature of life. But civilization has made our struggle a lot more difficult. We are humans and our life is a phenomenon that needs struggle to keep ourselves alive. We just need to struggle for the right needs and in the right way. And our life will be meaningful and happy.